Friday, July 23, 2010


Hello again... Its been long since I update this blog... Anyhow, Its my midsem break!!!! Yay!!! Sadly, its ending.... NOOO!!!! sigh

The insufficient time, mounting task that needs to be done and various plans to be conducted... Nevertheless, I think I've live my expectation of how this holiday should be... Balanced... Yesterday I went to my school... Yeah, not my old school but my school coz it will forever be my school... Had an awesome time hanging out with my buddies, sadly I din get the chance to meet my brothers of different parents... And they were having test too, so I can say that it was not the best time to go and visit the school... Regardless of that, I still manage to meet my dearest friends and had a noisy chat... Dominating the canteen... Typical of us... haha... My prior goal was to collect the school magazine which believe or not cost me RM25... So expensive but I think the editorial board / my friends did a job they can be proud of... Before that, I met and talked with all my teachers, glad they are doing well in the ever frustrating field of teaching, you know with the delinquents and all... Not that there are many in my school or anything... haha... One thing can be considered the odd ball though... While everyone is staying, Pn Jeya is LEAVING!!!! Noooooo.... What will happen to the school without her sarcasm... Aaahh, I miss her sarcasm, hits accurately and with no mercy... Got to love that... haha... All in all, I'm flattered that they still recognise me... I wish and pray that the school and all her aspiring sons and daughters a bright future and achieving greater heights... Amin...

Now, that the good news have been conveyed... Here comes the bad news, my dad had been admitted... I don't know what happened but according to him its normal, just this time it gone a step further... I was really shocked when my sis told me he was praying by sitting and not standing... I mean, thats really serious... So, after Subuh prayer my mum brought him to Pantai Hospital and he immediately got detained and admitted... That evening after i fetch my sis from school we both went to visit him... When we got there, he had been treated by the nimble hands of Dr. Tan... Now he's so much better than prior, thank God for that... But he still needs to stay in hospital for 2 more days... Frankly I think he's fine for another day, just a propaganda to make him stay longer and swelling the hospital bill... But you can never know right?? haha...
Alas, now he's back at home... Well, and happy coz he gets a week break from the doctor... I'm glad coz thats what he's been lacking since working in KL... During his stay at the hospital, many friends came to visit and even the Bandar Baru Tambun family came to visit... Well, some of them... Still, it was really great atmosphere... I always pray for my family and friends wellbeing... InsyaAllah...

So, thats my holiday so far... Going to play badminton if anything goes well tomorrow... Badly need some rigorous exercise to build back my body... haha... So, this is IT for the time being... Thanks for reading... Till next time...

Courtesy of David Chu... :) 

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Who doesn't love Sundays?? Catch that person, rope them and bring them to me and I'll convert them from hating to loving Sundays... haha... That was just a joke btw and I don't want to see a man roped in front of my room tomorrow... That would be so wrong... haha...

So, now we all know that Sundays are the most relaxing day of the week, what you do on Sundays?? What is your ideal Sundays?? Have you live your expectations of the perfect Sunday??  For me, I JUST DID!!! wow, it was divine and yet so simple... Ok, here goes... It was a cold morning here in PA... Me, being alone in the room because my roommate went back to his sister's house yesterday leaving me with my thermos... So I thought, lets make some tea... 
And I did, went to the 3rd floor to take some hot water from the water 'cooler'... I know, its kinda ironic to take hot water from a water cooler, had my own awkward time for a moment there... haha... Anyways, I went back to my room, tear 3 packs of express brown sugar, and Boh tea and chuck it in the ever so obedient thermos... haha... 

3 minutes later, its done!!! Perfectly brewed tea... haha... I open the windows letting the cold, moist cold air to enter... True enough it was the right thing to do... The refreshing cold air seems to accentuate and lift the humble cup of tea into a totally new level and it was exceptionally DIVINE!!! haha...

There I was, drinking a cup of tea while enjoying the tranquility of Sunday, insufflating the fresh, unpolluted air and gasping at the glimpse of sunrise... What a perfect Sunday...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Lets think...

'If we always do what we've always done, we will get what we've always got.' Adam Urbanski

What can we say about this quote? What do you understand from this words of wisdom? What can we learn from this? How this quote SHOULD affect and help alter our way of life to the better?

Before you answer any of this questions, do me a favor. Just seat tight and repeat the words 3 times vocally and another 3 times mentally. This might be somewhat tedious but just do it alright?? Done?? Ok...  Ok now, I'll help in elaboration of the quote and from there I hope anyone reading this can somehow relate to their life and at best, strive to change their way of life to the better...

Ok, so what can we say about this quote? Personally, I think it sells itself extremely well... The words are sown one by one with such intricacy and everything just falls into place ever so easily... Anyone can and will understand this quote the moment they lay their eyes on it... Its that simple and yet it brings a powerful and stern massage... This is so true, its ridiculous... haha... Ever heard people say, 'Well done, Captain Obvious'? Yeah, you can use it here... haha

Now, what do we understand from this so called words of wisdom?? HUH??? I don't think we'll have a clash of thoughts and perspectives today as the meaning is crystal clear... It can't be a any clearer than this... Change, or you'll get the same things as long as you do not change... Yes, those who do nothing will never commit a mistake, but do you want to be the one who do nothing and gain nothing??? Is it worth escaping mistakes just for the sake of it?? Life is dull without mistakes... Life is boring without risk... Life if nothing without the strong sense of awareness after being smacked in the face by failure after taking risk... Its ok to fail... Its ok to make mistakes... Learn and face it again and you will miss being placed on the losing side... 

Life is colourless at first look... It always need to be painted by a set of creativity to 'colourise' it... It needed that bit of risk taking and arduous task tagging along just to make it more vibrant... Just to give it the Million Dollar look... You know what they say, a little bit of risk does not kills you it builds you... Well, thats what I would say... haha... 

What we can learn from this?? It should be apparent by now that we NEED to do different things and not get stuck doing the same thing for the rest of our lives... Come one, you do not want t be the one doing the stamping all your life do you??? Take the initiative and DO different things.... BE different... Let's open our eyes, upgrade it to stereoscopic view from the old and outdated monoscopic view we once had... 

As for the last part, I think I should leave that to be... After all, it is individualistic... You think on your behalf and the same thing to me... So to end this unexpected post, here are two quotes I would like to give...

'We need to be the authors of our own life.' Peter Senge

Build our own free will and follows it diligently, be on our own path and be proud of it... Have this and you have a colourful life 
- Yours truly -