Tuesday, February 2, 2010


We are humans... Weak and in constant pursuit of eternal glory and hearts contentment... To reach that somehow impossible destination in life, we tend or should i say will sooner or later stumble upon a road block that will halt and restrict any further progress in the journey to cloud nine... A road block so terrifying, frustrating and unpleasing in any way possible... And then there is God and faith... The very thing that is very close to ourselves... if a comparison is to be made, God is so close to us that even if we see straight we couldn't see Him... That's what my dad used to say to me... And still, we constantly feels all alone... With no one to have their eyes on us... Supervising our every move... And so, faith kicks in... We become more brave and bold in our doings knowing that there is the ultimate guardian next to us, the ever Almighty God to protect us from harm might it be visible to everyone or exclusively to those special few... Danger is all around us and yet we become so brave... Faith makes us believe that everything will be alright when all the odds are against us... It has all been set since the very beginning of time... And yet there are still things that can be altered to personal liking, with a little bit of hard work and some elbow grease... The sweetness of faith is nothing like anything in this world... It's over worldly...

Choices are everywhere... Some available to everyone and some are an exclusive to certain people... It's a matter of searching for it... Some are discovered and some are destined to be found in the '4th World'... It's all about how determined we are and how strong our faith is... Have all these traits and we will be finding our destiny soon enough... Sometimes we desperately seek for more choices... Most of the times are as escape routes from daily issues... Things like family affairs, politics, academics and etc... Happiness or Loneliness?? Awkward silence or Deafening cheers?? Nostalgic and Soothing melodies or Dark and Low-keyed arrangement?? Seems like an obvious choice for a person with a hectic lifestyle... But lets sit back and rethink... Try to differentiate between the things that we NEED and we Want... Once we made the right choice we often come to surprise and astound by the choice we make and even more shocked by the aftermath of that very understanding...

We are humans and I am just a young youth looking to fill his cup... Constantly in pursuit total happiness and contentment... My ideology sells cheap to the world... And yet I can't fathom why I always end up sitting in front of the computer screen and start typing what i feels currently... Peer pressure?? Oppression of lifestyle??? I'm not sure myself but again, I'm seeking that glimmer of stars... I might find it... I might not... Either way, its a struggle... Constant striving and yielding-never-motto will carry me on...

~God Foresees All~