بِسْــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan mengatakan: "Kami telah beriman", sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? Qs.29 'Ankabuut:2
Today, in fact just few minutes ago I came across this verse from the Holy Quran and I thought I need to share this with all my fellow brothers and sisters... I may not give a very good interpretation of this verse but I'll try my best... It say ; Those who have been left beside thought and says: "We have been faithful (to the one and only God, Allah the exalted)" even though they have not been tested yet? Well, this is a more easier one to understand... They (the people) says that they have been faithful to God, but the thing is they have not been given any test to clarify and justify their faithfulness... But if we look closer to this verse, it doesn't really mean what it says, the thing is these people doesn't know that they are being tested the very moment...
This verse has really struck me... Straight to my heart and conscious... Actually this verse can be directly used in my case... Enough till here... May we take the appropriate action to better ourselves and never think bad of Allah... May Allah bless my soul and bless this post... InsyaAllah... All things bad are from us and all things good comes from Allah s.w.t.
Till next time,
waaa..... hakmimi is now warak.. wakakak