Tuesday, August 31, 2010

not far away

words drifting blown by uncompromising gust
music to the ears, devastating in reality
double face
brief enjoyment, lasting disappointment and torture
in the end there are two choices
to indulge or to seemingly suffer

the unable, the old and the young
seek undisputed refuge in a town
on the safest land
situated in the pivot of universe

the leader tie down the members of the house
only to rejoin the troupe
in an unfair, one sided war
endowed only by a promise from the One
a battle of brute strength with zero tech

the long awaited chosen one
finally risen to surface
years in the safety and warmth of family
decades of preparation for two fortnights of pure blood and sweat
a year of the first day
a month of the second day
a week of the third day
and the following as it

the con artist slain by holy forces
as promised millennium prior
and then all was fine
tranquility, peace, blessings 
and above all, justice
reigns through and through

decades past by 
the death of the superintendent
the blown of the Trumpet
signalling the muqaddimah of the end
the revival through coccyx
the return to the Overseer

and all are striped off for the Purgatory
but neither cared for others
inches from blazing heat
and then the people came to the bridge
some running, some flashing by
those who came from In
into the eternal blessings
some, skid and fall
in the eternal judgement

and so the return is done
nothing can change
without His consent, they would remain downed
and all is well, for those who BELIEVE

Sunday, August 22, 2010

OH NO!!!!

For a moment of time, I thought I was not going to make, achieve my ambition that is... The serenity  of this place almost toying with me... Seems like blandishing me into absconding my studies... Plus with the zero study mood and parents supervision, its like pouring salt on an open wound... What a sad excuse for not studying for a week or so... Don't be surprise though, a week in university is like a month of high school... It is so precious but against all odds, I have wasted the free gold... Its like closing your eyes or ignoring Miss World... lol... Frankly I won't be shocked if my upcoming test result will not be up to par to what I need to obtain... Nevertheless, as my friend would say, the "roh genius" has finally paid me a visit and I now can go full throttle... Giving my best in what I should do in this moment only to pause for supplements (buka puasa)... 

For two weeks or so, I've been alone here in my room due to the fact my roommate has got his chance to go abroad and so he left early... Being alone is not as bad as it seems given that you are not scared of being alone that is... haha... You can hog down all the space which otherwise need too be shared... Plus, you will have all the time in the world to come and go into and out the room without annoying your roommate... This however have a downside to it... You see, my roommate is not a dumb person... Meaning he is very bright and losing him in terms of my studies is never a good thing... Prior to this, I would not be worried if I don't understand some parts of my studies because he can always help me patch up the loose ends... Now that he's gone I have to always go up to the sixth floor to join my friends for our study group session... During my free time, like now i would be waking up late ( 9 o'clock ) and enjoy the fresh morning air, get a shower and start studying... Similar to now, but without the blogging part... :)

Considering the fact that my TEST 2 is due in a week take a day or two, I should really cut this session short and stop here... So, till next time...


Thursday, August 19, 2010

 When the sun rises, when the first ray of light shine, it seems like blasphemy against the tranquility of the night... 

Hectic life kicks in and the once amicable ambiance is no more...

Stained with the mechanical sound of inefficient machines

And then we come to sense its not at all blasphemy but a miraculous metamorphosis...

The sounds of Sitellas chirping, blandishment never beseeching but gentle greeting...

bellows and replies of students barely awake for brief moments....

Saying HELLO to possibly bright day ahead...

Brilliant blue widen, beckoning to be seen...

gush of sweet, fresh and unpolluted air

And then night came back claiming its share

and it is again

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Trials and Ordeals of Life...

 بِسْــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan mengatakan: "Kami telah beriman", sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? Qs.29 'Ankabuut:2

Today, in fact just few minutes ago I came across this verse from the Holy Quran and I thought I need to share this with all my fellow brothers and sisters... I may not give a very good interpretation of this verse but I'll try my best... It say ; Those who have been left beside thought and says: "We have been faithful (to the one and only God, Allah the exalted)" even though they have not been tested yet? Well, this is a more easier one to understand... They (the people) says that they have been faithful to God, but the thing is they have not been given any test to clarify and justify their faithfulness... But if we look closer to this verse, it doesn't really mean what it says, the thing is these people doesn't know that they are being tested the very moment... 

This verse has really struck me... Straight to my heart and conscious... Actually this verse can be directly used in my case... Enough till here... May we take the appropriate action to better ourselves and never think bad of Allah... May Allah bless my soul and bless this post... InsyaAllah... All things bad are from us and all things good comes from Allah s.w.t.

Till next time,

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Who have never felt stress and fatigue?? If you know such a person, he's a liar... Slap that person 1 time... haha... Nah, seriously... Everyone feel stress and drawn to the wall every once in a while... As a result, we feel tired and suffer from fatigue after the stress had receded... Some time passes and that diabolical feeling come to pay a visit again and everything just seems never ending... For a student, this can significantly affect their studies and sometimes affect directly towards their mentality... Yeah, you know what I mean...

 So, to curb and tackle this issue, we often come in touch with psychologist or read a book about stress management at the least... 'How to Stop Worrying and Start Living' by Dale Carnegie or any other books might be in the victims shelf but does it really works?? Some do, but mostly are just a waste of time, books authored by people who think they know what they are writing... People who think they know the worst level of stress... And so with a sense of responsibility they write a book about curbing stress... And yet they failed, miserably.

But try this... When you are standing and you feel stress, sit... if you still feeling the stress, lie down... God wills, you will be at peace... For fellow brothers and sisters, just before sleeping read these citations... Allahuakbar, Alhamdulillah and SubhanAllah 33 times and repeat untill you fall asleep and insyaAllah tomorrow will be a much better day for you... Through some brief 'sleuthing' I came to know that Christians actually recite God's name too to decrease stress... So there you go, added strength to this theory, suitable for my fellow multi-religion readers... 

I know, this blog post is not much help considering there are many other brilliant blog posts which is better than this... For that I full heartedly appologise for lack of info and tips on how to tackle this age old issue but I have to defend myself... This is tips and ways that are effective and proven by continues practices by yours truly... In the end, its up to you people out there to believe and practice or not... 

Till next time...
