It's been a full month of seclusion for me... Not going anywhere and just staying at home... Under this circumstance it's almost inevitable that I would reminisce about my days of schooling and hanging out with friends... I remembered as my school days were at it's end I felt this huge feeling of waste... Wasted time doing unimportant things... So i thought... Those feelings weren't the feeling of regret... It was in fact the feeling of grieve... Sadness... Loneliness... So many things that were routine few months ago are now as elusive as it can be... Friends scatter around here and there managing their own life... Preparing for the future... Their own life...
Sometimes It came to thought, what were the aftermath of my actions during my schooldays... Making joke of myself and friends for our own amusement, doing this and that for the school, enrolling in events in every single levels... What were the effects? I'm not sure and i probably will never know... Getting in and out of friendship, relations and people's feelings... Puzzles that have no solution...
Few weeks back, i received an e-mail from a very good friend of mine... Its about a person that saves a friend from possibly catastrophic end and turn it around into as promising future ever... This e-mail really touched my heart and made me think of my doings be it right or wrong... It makes me realize that even a simple 'hi' can bring a significant change in our life...
Out of sight out of mind... There is a certain degree of reality in this saying... Certainly when u don't see a certain someone for a long period of time you will forget something about that person... Its true that our mind can be forgetful sometimes regardless of who you are... Our everyday lives after all are categories in short term memory list... Add everyday lives and hectic schedule its almost impossible to remember what happened few years back... But i also believe that your heart ( figurative speaking ) can remember better than your brain... Its plays a vital part of reminiscing... Bringing back that exact emotion together with the beautiful but brain-forgotten memories...
This is a very special post for me with its own significance... Though not many people will be reading this its alright... Perfectly fine... I know one day my brain will start to forget all the beautiful memories i experienced during my schooling days... The time where I can meet my friends everyday and just chill out... Despite all that i am not worried... I'm sure that my heart will make me remember all those memories as they are already engraved in my heart... The forgettable unforgettable memories...
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