Everyday at the crack of dawn
when everyone still deeply asleep
on the ever so comfy bed
spoiled by distant soft, hopeful hands
coolness personified by the thick mist
blanketing the mountains
morning tears start to drop
pairs of couple bird chirps
signalling the start of a fine day
Morning like this
makes you think
of what matters and what not
the future and the past
the beginning and the end
of everything that existed
Morning like this
make us think
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Childhood Memories...
I'm sure that many of us lived an excellent childhood... If not we won't be this cheerful... Smiles won't be as glittering... Attitude won't be as sunny... We won't be boring... In short your childhood really defines what you are now... Something to remember when we have our own kids later on in life...
But what, really makes an ideal childhood for anyone? Well, in general I think that love from your kin, memories with closest friends and something that we can cling onto, something to remember to bring ourselves back from the ash when we fall... Something to make us cry just by remembering that blissful memories... For me since I was born in the years of when great animation movies had just started its legacy, movies really impact my life... On particular the Toys Story franchise which just launched its last movie few months back... Look, it came out when I was 3 and ended ( I hope so ) when I'm 18... There you go, basically my whole childhood... I grew up knowing these characters; Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Bullseye, Mr and Mrs Potato Head, Slinky Dog and my personal favourite Etch the Etch-A-Sketch magic screen... Really, I could go on with the characters but its unnecessary because all of you know it too...
I don't really know why I like this movie so much but I guess you don't need to have answers for everything... If you like it, you like it... If you don't you don't... Simple...
The first movie though the one responsible for hooking me to this movie nonetheless is not my favourite one... The last one is as I believe others' favourite as well... Really, if you haven't watch it yet go and watch it now... And if you've watched it, watch it again... haha... It's that good and add up with the genius of Randy Newman composing the catchiest song in any Pixar movies, "You've Got a Friend in Me"... Really one of the best music I've heard in my whole life... Just lifts you out of your daily dilemmas... Talking about the overall plot, it really is not hard to understand thanks to epic story telling... Just by sitting there and not have to think much you can basically plunge into the movie itself because its so easy to understand...
Now, the last movie... Its the best as I said just now, being the highest grossing movie for 2010 globally... Just goes to add how good this movie is... This last movie really marks the end of the movie with Andy going to college and have to give up being kid ( not play with toys anymore ) which he didn't do for quite some time... Nevertheless, through all that neglect the toys still look at Andy as their rightful owner... Bla bla bla... Other than that, go watch yourself... But the last part probably the best and the saddest part of the movie... The part where Andy went to Bonnie's house to give away his toys... Add up with sad music, it just makes your eyes water and maybe cry... All that tension and it ends up just like that... Simplicity really is the best policy...
To sum it up, this is an EPIC movie... I think I'm gonna watch it again... Need to buy the Bluray version... haha...
So there you go... Part of my childhood... Sure we may have different things in mind when childhood come in thought... Whatever it may be, if its something that is dear to you I believe we should hold on to it no matter what other people might say... After all, a perspective is as strong as the believers wants it...
till next time... cherish your childhood...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Unusual day...
Today has been an unusual day for me... First, I start the morning, chocked by the thick mist shrouding the college area... Really is something different because it has never been this thick... So thick that I mistook it as fog... Don't believe me?? Take a look yourself... Now you believe it? haha
Almost looks like Genting Highlands... haha... Feels like it too... With the drizzling rain gently patting our back... ~~NICE~~
Too bad it doesn't last long... Few hours and its gone... Sad... Then, everything went downhill... I felt tired so fast, by 12 I was beaten... By 4 I was barely awake in the lecture hall... I just don't know whats currently going on with my body... Maybe my biological clock is setting itself back after constant sleep-at-4 o'clock during the sem break... Hmmm... Hopefully it sets back fast because I don't have the luxury of sleeping during lecture every 20 minutes anymore...
Then, today I skipped lunch because I had morning tea... So, I went ahead and finish my math tutorial which is due to next week... Unusual... haha... I never finish my tutorials during the weekdays and I mean NEVER!!!! haha... Maybe because in my mind I would like to turn over a new leaf and it seems to be working fine with me... Maybe you guys should consider this option once in awhile... Refresh... If things stay the same all the time, It would be bring and we will feel, well, bored... So, keep things fresh... Change... haha
Lastly, I overindulge myself on tonight's dinner... The thing is, I don't eat much when I'm studying... You know, to avoid feeling drowsy... But tonight seems different... So, melantak la... haha... Friends, only bad things come from gluttony... Nothing good can be extracted from it... You waste money, and in my case I feel bloated for hours... During the Maghrib prayer, I was having difficulty breathing right because I was holding myself from expelling the things I ingested... haha...
Miraculously, I'm still awake... Just finish my chemistry tutorial (almost)... hehe... Thats 2 tutorials done in one day!!! CEKAP!! haha... Such an unusual day... Totally...
Ok then, nothing more to write...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Thanks friend...
So, first sem is of the past... A full pot of happy, sad, tension, guilt and experience... Bonds made, strengthen and never broken... Though some have left the mutual feelings of respect and friendship can never be bounded by mere kilometers or miles... Friendship extends beyond distance and even time... The time we spent with the group though just a brief period means a lot to me and now that you are taking a different route to pursue your ambition, the usual gang seems somewhat crippled... No more singing out of the blue, I have to say the thing that I surely will miss the most later in time... Lame jokes that ended up making us laugh still... Cheesy choice of words never seems to fail to brand yourself apart from others... Weird and sometimes scary activities that you do with multiple Facebook account... haha... You're unique... One of my best friends and I bid you well, all the best and give your best... Uzair Azman, may Allah bless your journey and make you the best man you can...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
After having to face it more than 10 times over 3 stages and a full decade it is still and remained still... Sure its easy in the place but it gets tougher and tougher... Guess something never change... You get tired and the fatigue just grows exponentially as time proceeds... Burning the midnight oil is the usual habit when facing this kind of annual ordeal... Sometimes, the oil just runs out and you'll go blank which is the worst case scenario....
Have you guessed it?? Yup, final exams... Been stuck and nailed to my chair for more than 3 hours now, taken care off 2 and a half chapters ( hopefully ) and I'm running out of fuel!!!! OHH NOOO!!!! And to make it worst, the mart has already closed meaning I can't replenish my MP... urgh, should have bought something this evening... Regretting the fact that I was being stingy to myself... Yeah, TO MYSELF!!! I MEAN WHO DO THAT TO THEMSELVES???!!! Feel like shouting to the dark cold night... I'm sure the darkness won't be mad at me for doing so... Yeah, maybe I'll do just that...
*you can ignore this... overwhelming stress...
'Lazy' me : Tomorrow is Sunday... Yay!! What should I do then??? Hmmm... Study... Nooo!!!! Damn... Its Sunday and I have to study?? sigh...
'In the right mind' me : Its ok... Just a little bit longer... Plus you are doing this to achieve your ambition... You've gone too far to back off now... If you do, what will your parents feel about it and more importantly what will YOU feel once you realize that It was the wrong thing to do, quitting half way??? Do you even want to feel that bad feeling in your gut??? I sure don't...
'Now ok' me : Yeah, I should follow the second 'me'... OH YEAH!!!! 2 more chapters to go... COME ON!!!!
*real life monologue of mine... lol
till next time...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My Loved Ones...
*look at the watch*
Been about 45 minutes I'm sitting on my trusty chair staring at my lovely laptop's screen... With the WMP ramped up to max... Clicking, visiting blog pages... Moment of silence...
That's basically what I have been up to for the last 50 minutes or so... All that because I have this sudden urge to update my blog... BUT sadly I have NO topic... Despite being having a blank mind at the moment, I just can't rid this urge... So, think think think.... And at last, EUREKA!!!!! Now I know how Sir Isaac Newton were feeling when the apple hit his head... haha
I thought I've never, even once write about my family love... My appreciation towards their compassion to me... Its make me sad for not being appreciative... And so, this post is for my families...
A sporting dad... Supporting, loving, responsible, strict, cool and not a smirch of doubt on his family... A person of hope, more than any people and I should know best.... That hopeful traits of his has always been the fuel for my determination... The spring that never wears out, pushing his children to greater heights than he can ever reach... Sacrificing all that he have for the sake of his beloved children and his lifetime lover... Nearly 3 decades, they've been together... Allah bless their life and relation... This great man, my abah, was a strict man and I was always 'kena ajar' by him... With a good reason of course... Me and my sis dared not make him mad and so we always behave... Thanks to his strictness, I am what I am today.... We are what we are today... A great leader, leading the front line, the never ending journey... The quest of raising his own flesh and blood no matter their age... Superintendent of the family... My Idol... My DAD... Kasuahdi Ali
A loving mom.... A calculative, reasonable, strict, beautiful, extremely capable, religious and everything nice... The most loving person I'll probably will ever meet... She'll sacrifice everything for her family, that I never doubt... Never take what is rightfully hers or you'll pay the price one way or another... The best cook ever... Making me drool now just by remembering her cooking... Aaah, how I miss her "ayam merah" and "ikan kukus" ... She's the one that you would want to consult about money management... haha.... She's seriously good with money management... A trait that I have yet to inherit from her... My worst moment in life is when I see my mom fell sick and there's nothing I can do... Maybe that is why I am so determined to become the person that every sick come to consult... So that I can help the needy, to help cure the sick... To serve Allah, to serve my Mom... My sweetheart... My MOM.... Nor Hayati Ghazali
My first friend... Sweet, crazy sometimes and funny... A portege' of my mom... The first born of the whole family... Loved by everyone... The cheerful attitude and the never say never attitude always affects me deeply... Strive me to better... I don't remember much about my life when I was 2-3 but i do remember the time when she was riding her bike and I was riding my baby tricycle... We clashed, I cried (obviously) and she lost 2 of her front teeth... Because of me, she went on about few years without her front teeth... Memories that I will never forget... My role model... My older sis... Nur Izreen Kasuahdi
The quiet one... my second best friend... my older sis' double... The first victim of my childishness and selfishness... I don't remember this but my mom told me that she fell into the drain when she was pregnant because I insisted that she carry me... And sure enough, it was her my mom was expecting... Her expertise lies in massaging... Out of the blue, she suddenly got this gift... Maybe Allah is being compassionate as always, grant this attribute so that she could always attend to the one that gave birth to her, to always care for both her "orang tua" and the elderly... She never complains about her issues, she's the type of person that will buffer everything that people throw at her without fail.... Thats how strong she is and people don't see this.. Good though, helps in the element of surprise... One day, people will look up to her... Just you wait... The one I will protect... My younger sis... Nur Aliaa Amirah Kasuahdi
The youngest... The golden child of the family, the pampered one obviously... haha... The youngest and so the least inexperienced... Never once she felt hardship, the sting of rattan and the lessons it brings and all those things that happens before the year 2000... The cute one should I say and definitely the fairest... One time, at my old house the neighbor would call her "jepun" coz she does have the look and skin tone... But she is definitely more than meets the eyes... Never underestimate her because she can really packs a punch... haha... Believe it, her brother knows best... Though all that, she is after all a girl and can never run away from being gentle and caring... I'm lucky to have her as my youngest sister... The fact that I had wished for a younger brother and It didn't came true really made me feel grateful because in the end I got more than what I've expected... Alhamdulillah... The one I will guide... M youngest sis...
Khuraisyah Kasuahdi
Never to be left out, my second family... Faris and his family... Through the decade our family came to know each other and grow fond, we have form a connection so tight that I know will last a lifetime... Mak Cik Naimah, Pak Cik Kamal, Adibah, Faris, Nina and Amir... I seriously wonder how my life would turn out have we not met... I guess we owe to your "ayam serama"... haha... All those memories will forever be engraved in my mind... I thank Allah always for arranging that meeting 10 years ago...
Not a song can compare my love to my loved ones,
not a single poem can express my compassion,
not a single person can interpret my love for them,
no one can give me a better gift
no scale can measure my gratitude
for the Almighty
for this treasure that He have entrusted me with.
I raise my hands to You and say
Been about 45 minutes I'm sitting on my trusty chair staring at my lovely laptop's screen... With the WMP ramped up to max... Clicking, visiting blog pages... Moment of silence...
That's basically what I have been up to for the last 50 minutes or so... All that because I have this sudden urge to update my blog... BUT sadly I have NO topic... Despite being having a blank mind at the moment, I just can't rid this urge... So, think think think.... And at last, EUREKA!!!!! Now I know how Sir Isaac Newton were feeling when the apple hit his head... haha
I thought I've never, even once write about my family love... My appreciation towards their compassion to me... Its make me sad for not being appreciative... And so, this post is for my families...
A sporting dad... Supporting, loving, responsible, strict, cool and not a smirch of doubt on his family... A person of hope, more than any people and I should know best.... That hopeful traits of his has always been the fuel for my determination... The spring that never wears out, pushing his children to greater heights than he can ever reach... Sacrificing all that he have for the sake of his beloved children and his lifetime lover... Nearly 3 decades, they've been together... Allah bless their life and relation... This great man, my abah, was a strict man and I was always 'kena ajar' by him... With a good reason of course... Me and my sis dared not make him mad and so we always behave... Thanks to his strictness, I am what I am today.... We are what we are today... A great leader, leading the front line, the never ending journey... The quest of raising his own flesh and blood no matter their age... Superintendent of the family... My Idol... My DAD... Kasuahdi Ali
A loving mom.... A calculative, reasonable, strict, beautiful, extremely capable, religious and everything nice... The most loving person I'll probably will ever meet... She'll sacrifice everything for her family, that I never doubt... Never take what is rightfully hers or you'll pay the price one way or another... The best cook ever... Making me drool now just by remembering her cooking... Aaah, how I miss her "ayam merah" and "ikan kukus" ... She's the one that you would want to consult about money management... haha.... She's seriously good with money management... A trait that I have yet to inherit from her... My worst moment in life is when I see my mom fell sick and there's nothing I can do... Maybe that is why I am so determined to become the person that every sick come to consult... So that I can help the needy, to help cure the sick... To serve Allah, to serve my Mom... My sweetheart... My MOM.... Nor Hayati Ghazali
My first friend... Sweet, crazy sometimes and funny... A portege' of my mom... The first born of the whole family... Loved by everyone... The cheerful attitude and the never say never attitude always affects me deeply... Strive me to better... I don't remember much about my life when I was 2-3 but i do remember the time when she was riding her bike and I was riding my baby tricycle... We clashed, I cried (obviously) and she lost 2 of her front teeth... Because of me, she went on about few years without her front teeth... Memories that I will never forget... My role model... My older sis... Nur Izreen Kasuahdi
The quiet one... my second best friend... my older sis' double... The first victim of my childishness and selfishness... I don't remember this but my mom told me that she fell into the drain when she was pregnant because I insisted that she carry me... And sure enough, it was her my mom was expecting... Her expertise lies in massaging... Out of the blue, she suddenly got this gift... Maybe Allah is being compassionate as always, grant this attribute so that she could always attend to the one that gave birth to her, to always care for both her "orang tua" and the elderly... She never complains about her issues, she's the type of person that will buffer everything that people throw at her without fail.... Thats how strong she is and people don't see this.. Good though, helps in the element of surprise... One day, people will look up to her... Just you wait... The one I will protect... My younger sis... Nur Aliaa Amirah Kasuahdi
The youngest... The golden child of the family, the pampered one obviously... haha... The youngest and so the least inexperienced... Never once she felt hardship, the sting of rattan and the lessons it brings and all those things that happens before the year 2000... The cute one should I say and definitely the fairest... One time, at my old house the neighbor would call her "jepun" coz she does have the look and skin tone... But she is definitely more than meets the eyes... Never underestimate her because she can really packs a punch... haha... Believe it, her brother knows best... Though all that, she is after all a girl and can never run away from being gentle and caring... I'm lucky to have her as my youngest sister... The fact that I had wished for a younger brother and It didn't came true really made me feel grateful because in the end I got more than what I've expected... Alhamdulillah... The one I will guide... M youngest sis...
Khuraisyah Kasuahdi
Never to be left out, my second family... Faris and his family... Through the decade our family came to know each other and grow fond, we have form a connection so tight that I know will last a lifetime... Mak Cik Naimah, Pak Cik Kamal, Adibah, Faris, Nina and Amir... I seriously wonder how my life would turn out have we not met... I guess we owe to your "ayam serama"... haha... All those memories will forever be engraved in my mind... I thank Allah always for arranging that meeting 10 years ago...
Not a song can compare my love to my loved ones,
not a single poem can express my compassion,
not a single person can interpret my love for them,
no one can give me a better gift
no scale can measure my gratitude
for the Almighty
for this treasure that He have entrusted me with.
I raise my hands to You and say
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
not far away
words drifting blown by uncompromising gust
music to the ears, devastating in reality
double face
brief enjoyment, lasting disappointment and torture
in the end there are two choices
to indulge or to seemingly suffer
the unable, the old and the young
seek undisputed refuge in a town
on the safest land
situated in the pivot of universe
the leader tie down the members of the house
only to rejoin the troupe
in an unfair, one sided war
endowed only by a promise from the One
a battle of brute strength with zero tech
the long awaited chosen one
finally risen to surface
years in the safety and warmth of family
decades of preparation for two fortnights of pure blood and sweat
a year of the first day
a month of the second day
a week of the third day
and the following as it
the con artist slain by holy forces
as promised millennium prior
and then all was fine
tranquility, peace, blessings
and above all, justice
reigns through and through
decades past by
the death of the superintendent
the blown of the Trumpet
signalling the muqaddimah of the end
the revival through coccyx
the return to the Overseer
and all are striped off for the Purgatory
but neither cared for others
inches from blazing heat
and then the people came to the bridge
some running, some flashing by
those who came from In
into the eternal blessings
some, skid and fall
in the eternal judgement
and so the return is done
nothing can change
without His consent, they would remain downed
and all is well, for those who BELIEVE
Sunday, August 22, 2010
OH NO!!!!
For a moment of time, I thought I was not going to make, achieve my ambition that is... The serenity of this place almost toying with me... Seems like blandishing me into absconding my studies... Plus with the zero study mood and parents supervision, its like pouring salt on an open wound... What a sad excuse for not studying for a week or so... Don't be surprise though, a week in university is like a month of high school... It is so precious but against all odds, I have wasted the free gold... Its like closing your eyes or ignoring Miss World... lol... Frankly I won't be shocked if my upcoming test result will not be up to par to what I need to obtain... Nevertheless, as my friend would say, the "roh genius" has finally paid me a visit and I now can go full throttle... Giving my best in what I should do in this moment only to pause for supplements (buka puasa)...
For two weeks or so, I've been alone here in my room due to the fact my roommate has got his chance to go abroad and so he left early... Being alone is not as bad as it seems given that you are not scared of being alone that is... haha... You can hog down all the space which otherwise need too be shared... Plus, you will have all the time in the world to come and go into and out the room without annoying your roommate... This however have a downside to it... You see, my roommate is not a dumb person... Meaning he is very bright and losing him in terms of my studies is never a good thing... Prior to this, I would not be worried if I don't understand some parts of my studies because he can always help me patch up the loose ends... Now that he's gone I have to always go up to the sixth floor to join my friends for our study group session... During my free time, like now i would be waking up late ( 9 o'clock ) and enjoy the fresh morning air, get a shower and start studying... Similar to now, but without the blogging part... :)
Considering the fact that my TEST 2 is due in a week take a day or two, I should really cut this session short and stop here... So, till next time...
For two weeks or so, I've been alone here in my room due to the fact my roommate has got his chance to go abroad and so he left early... Being alone is not as bad as it seems given that you are not scared of being alone that is... haha... You can hog down all the space which otherwise need too be shared... Plus, you will have all the time in the world to come and go into and out the room without annoying your roommate... This however have a downside to it... You see, my roommate is not a dumb person... Meaning he is very bright and losing him in terms of my studies is never a good thing... Prior to this, I would not be worried if I don't understand some parts of my studies because he can always help me patch up the loose ends... Now that he's gone I have to always go up to the sixth floor to join my friends for our study group session... During my free time, like now i would be waking up late ( 9 o'clock ) and enjoy the fresh morning air, get a shower and start studying... Similar to now, but without the blogging part... :)
Considering the fact that my TEST 2 is due in a week take a day or two, I should really cut this session short and stop here... So, till next time...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
When the sun rises, when the first ray of light shine, it seems like blasphemy against the tranquility of the night...
Hectic life kicks in and the once amicable ambiance is no more...
Stained with the mechanical sound of inefficient machines
And then we come to sense its not at all blasphemy but a miraculous metamorphosis...
The sounds of Sitellas chirping, blandishment never beseeching but gentle greeting...
bellows and replies of students barely awake for brief moments....
Saying HELLO to possibly bright day ahead...
Brilliant blue widen, beckoning to be seen...
gush of sweet, fresh and unpolluted air
And then night came back claiming its share
and it is again
gush of sweet, fresh and unpolluted air
And then night came back claiming its share
and it is again
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Trials and Ordeals of Life...
بِسْــــمِ اﷲِالرَّØْÙ…َÙ†ِ الرَّØِيم
Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan mengatakan: "Kami telah beriman", sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? Qs.29 'Ankabuut:2
Today, in fact just few minutes ago I came across this verse from the Holy Quran and I thought I need to share this with all my fellow brothers and sisters... I may not give a very good interpretation of this verse but I'll try my best... It say ; Those who have been left beside thought and says: "We have been faithful (to the one and only God, Allah the exalted)" even though they have not been tested yet? Well, this is a more easier one to understand... They (the people) says that they have been faithful to God, but the thing is they have not been given any test to clarify and justify their faithfulness... But if we look closer to this verse, it doesn't really mean what it says, the thing is these people doesn't know that they are being tested the very moment...
This verse has really struck me... Straight to my heart and conscious... Actually this verse can be directly used in my case... Enough till here... May we take the appropriate action to better ourselves and never think bad of Allah... May Allah bless my soul and bless this post... InsyaAllah... All things bad are from us and all things good comes from Allah s.w.t.
Till next time,
Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan mengatakan: "Kami telah beriman", sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? Qs.29 'Ankabuut:2
Today, in fact just few minutes ago I came across this verse from the Holy Quran and I thought I need to share this with all my fellow brothers and sisters... I may not give a very good interpretation of this verse but I'll try my best... It say ; Those who have been left beside thought and says: "We have been faithful (to the one and only God, Allah the exalted)" even though they have not been tested yet? Well, this is a more easier one to understand... They (the people) says that they have been faithful to God, but the thing is they have not been given any test to clarify and justify their faithfulness... But if we look closer to this verse, it doesn't really mean what it says, the thing is these people doesn't know that they are being tested the very moment...
This verse has really struck me... Straight to my heart and conscious... Actually this verse can be directly used in my case... Enough till here... May we take the appropriate action to better ourselves and never think bad of Allah... May Allah bless my soul and bless this post... InsyaAllah... All things bad are from us and all things good comes from Allah s.w.t.
Till next time,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Who have never felt stress and fatigue?? If you know such a person, he's a liar... Slap that person 1 time... haha... Nah, seriously... Everyone feel stress and drawn to the wall every once in a while... As a result, we feel tired and suffer from fatigue after the stress had receded... Some time passes and that diabolical feeling come to pay a visit again and everything just seems never ending... For a student, this can significantly affect their studies and sometimes affect directly towards their mentality... Yeah, you know what I mean...
So, to curb and tackle this issue, we often come in touch with psychologist or read a book about stress management at the least... 'How to Stop Worrying and Start Living' by Dale Carnegie or any other books might be in the victims shelf but does it really works?? Some do, but mostly are just a waste of time, books authored by people who think they know what they are writing... People who think they know the worst level of stress... And so with a sense of responsibility they write a book about curbing stress... And yet they failed, miserably.
But try this... When you are standing and you feel stress, sit... if you still feeling the stress, lie down... God wills, you will be at peace... For fellow brothers and sisters, just before sleeping read these citations... Allahuakbar, Alhamdulillah and SubhanAllah 33 times and repeat untill you fall asleep and insyaAllah tomorrow will be a much better day for you... Through some brief 'sleuthing' I came to know that Christians actually recite God's name too to decrease stress... So there you go, added strength to this theory, suitable for my fellow multi-religion readers...
I know, this blog post is not much help considering there are many other brilliant blog posts which is better than this... For that I full heartedly appologise for lack of info and tips on how to tackle this age old issue but I have to defend myself... This is tips and ways that are effective and proven by continues practices by yours truly... In the end, its up to you people out there to believe and practice or not...
Till next time...
Friday, July 23, 2010
Hello again... Its been long since I update this blog... Anyhow, Its my midsem break!!!! Yay!!! Sadly, its ending.... NOOO!!!! sigh
The insufficient time, mounting task that needs to be done and various plans to be conducted... Nevertheless, I think I've live my expectation of how this holiday should be... Balanced... Yesterday I went to my school... Yeah, not my old school but my school coz it will forever be my school... Had an awesome time hanging out with my buddies, sadly I din get the chance to meet my brothers of different parents... And they were having test too, so I can say that it was not the best time to go and visit the school... Regardless of that, I still manage to meet my dearest friends and had a noisy chat... Dominating the canteen... Typical of us... haha... My prior goal was to collect the school magazine which believe or not cost me RM25... So expensive but I think the editorial board / my friends did a job they can be proud of... Before that, I met and talked with all my teachers, glad they are doing well in the ever frustrating field of teaching, you know with the delinquents and all... Not that there are many in my school or anything... haha... One thing can be considered the odd ball though... While everyone is staying, Pn Jeya is LEAVING!!!! Noooooo.... What will happen to the school without her sarcasm... Aaahh, I miss her sarcasm, hits accurately and with no mercy... Got to love that... haha... All in all, I'm flattered that they still recognise me... I wish and pray that the school and all her aspiring sons and daughters a bright future and achieving greater heights... Amin...
Now, that the good news have been conveyed... Here comes the bad news, my dad had been admitted... I don't know what happened but according to him its normal, just this time it gone a step further... I was really shocked when my sis told me he was praying by sitting and not standing... I mean, thats really serious... So, after Subuh prayer my mum brought him to Pantai Hospital and he immediately got detained and admitted... That evening after i fetch my sis from school we both went to visit him... When we got there, he had been treated by the nimble hands of Dr. Tan... Now he's so much better than prior, thank God for that... But he still needs to stay in hospital for 2 more days... Frankly I think he's fine for another day, just a propaganda to make him stay longer and swelling the hospital bill... But you can never know right?? haha...
Alas, now he's back at home... Well, and happy coz he gets a week break from the doctor... I'm glad coz thats what he's been lacking since working in KL... During his stay at the hospital, many friends came to visit and even the Bandar Baru Tambun family came to visit... Well, some of them... Still, it was really great atmosphere... I always pray for my family and friends wellbeing... InsyaAllah...
So, thats my holiday so far... Going to play badminton if anything goes well tomorrow... Badly need some rigorous exercise to build back my body... haha... So, this is IT for the time being... Thanks for reading... Till next time...
Courtesy of David Chu... :)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Who doesn't love Sundays?? Catch that person, rope them and bring them to me and I'll convert them from hating to loving Sundays... haha... That was just a joke btw and I don't want to see a man roped in front of my room tomorrow... That would be so wrong... haha...
So, now we all know that Sundays are the most relaxing day of the week, what you do on Sundays?? What is your ideal Sundays?? Have you live your expectations of the perfect Sunday?? For me, I JUST DID!!! wow, it was divine and yet so simple... Ok, here goes... It was a cold morning here in PA... Me, being alone in the room because my roommate went back to his sister's house yesterday leaving me with my thermos... So I thought, lets make some tea...
And I did, went to the 3rd floor to take some hot water from the water 'cooler'... I know, its kinda ironic to take hot water from a water cooler, had my own awkward time for a moment there... haha... Anyways, I went back to my room, tear 3 packs of express brown sugar, and Boh tea and chuck it in the ever so obedient thermos... haha...
3 minutes later, its done!!! Perfectly brewed tea... haha... I open the windows letting the cold, moist cold air to enter... True enough it was the right thing to do... The refreshing cold air seems to accentuate and lift the humble cup of tea into a totally new level and it was exceptionally DIVINE!!! haha...
There I was, drinking a cup of tea while enjoying the tranquility of Sunday, insufflating the fresh, unpolluted air and gasping at the glimpse of sunrise... What a perfect Sunday...
And I did, went to the 3rd floor to take some hot water from the water 'cooler'... I know, its kinda ironic to take hot water from a water cooler, had my own awkward time for a moment there... haha... Anyways, I went back to my room, tear 3 packs of express brown sugar, and Boh tea and chuck it in the ever so obedient thermos... haha...
3 minutes later, its done!!! Perfectly brewed tea... haha... I open the windows letting the cold, moist cold air to enter... True enough it was the right thing to do... The refreshing cold air seems to accentuate and lift the humble cup of tea into a totally new level and it was exceptionally DIVINE!!! haha...
There I was, drinking a cup of tea while enjoying the tranquility of Sunday, insufflating the fresh, unpolluted air and gasping at the glimpse of sunrise... What a perfect Sunday...
Monday, July 5, 2010
Lets think...
'If we always do what we've always done, we will get what we've always got.' Adam Urbanski
What can we say about this quote? What do you understand from this words of wisdom? What can we learn from this? How this quote SHOULD affect and help alter our way of life to the better?
Before you answer any of this questions, do me a favor. Just seat tight and repeat the words 3 times vocally and another 3 times mentally. This might be somewhat tedious but just do it alright?? Done?? Ok... Ok now, I'll help in elaboration of the quote and from there I hope anyone reading this can somehow relate to their life and at best, strive to change their way of life to the better...
Ok, so what can we say about this quote? Personally, I think it sells itself extremely well... The words are sown one by one with such intricacy and everything just falls into place ever so easily... Anyone can and will understand this quote the moment they lay their eyes on it... Its that simple and yet it brings a powerful and stern massage... This is so true, its ridiculous... haha... Ever heard people say, 'Well done, Captain Obvious'? Yeah, you can use it here... haha
Now, what do we understand from this so called words of wisdom?? HUH??? I don't think we'll have a clash of thoughts and perspectives today as the meaning is crystal clear... It can't be a any clearer than this... Change, or you'll get the same things as long as you do not change... Yes, those who do nothing will never commit a mistake, but do you want to be the one who do nothing and gain nothing??? Is it worth escaping mistakes just for the sake of it?? Life is dull without mistakes... Life is boring without risk... Life if nothing without the strong sense of awareness after being smacked in the face by failure after taking risk... Its ok to fail... Its ok to make mistakes... Learn and face it again and you will miss being placed on the losing side...
Life is colourless at first look... It always need to be painted by a set of creativity to 'colourise' it... It needed that bit of risk taking and arduous task tagging along just to make it more vibrant... Just to give it the Million Dollar look... You know what they say, a little bit of risk does not kills you it builds you... Well, thats what I would say... haha...
What we can learn from this?? It should be apparent by now that we NEED to do different things and not get stuck doing the same thing for the rest of our lives... Come one, you do not want t be the one doing the stamping all your life do you??? Take the initiative and DO different things.... BE different... Let's open our eyes, upgrade it to stereoscopic view from the old and outdated monoscopic view we once had...
As for the last part, I think I should leave that to be... After all, it is individualistic... You think on your behalf and the same thing to me... So to end this unexpected post, here are two quotes I would like to give...
'We need to be the authors of our own life.' Peter Senge
Build our own free will and follows it diligently, be on our own path and be proud of it... Have this and you have a colourful life
- Yours truly -
Friday, June 25, 2010
1 Full Month...
Update time!!! haha
So, here I am in UiTM Puncak Alam campus... Here i'm taking the Foundation in Science course... Without me noticing it, it has been a full month since I first came here on 23rd May... A lot has happened... Some annoying, some wasteful but mostly fun and beneficial... The majority of students here are Malays which directly reflects the dominance of Islam... There are some Sarawakians and Sabahan which are Buddhist but are very few... Having this as a fact, you would expect someone to change... I came from a very different background from other Malays... In Ipoh, most of my friends are Chinese... Here, all my friends are Malays... Next, here even though the medium of teaching and learning is English you carry on your daily lives and communicate in Malay... Thats one thing that I don't like but have to accept... I've worked so hard to get my English to how it is today and I'm scared that spending my time here would be the cause of my English language to deteriorate... A solution to that??? Blog regularly and speak to myself in English... Crazy but I have to do it to preserve my English...
That aside, now the good part... First and foremost, the air here is clean and fresh... Little to less pollution due to the location of the campus which is around 5 km from the nearby town... Yeah, this is a relatively new area... Its definitely and most surely cooler here than in Ipoh... I can even walk under the sun to attend my class... Next, it rains a hell lot more than it does in Ipoh, which I like... haha... The wind blows more regularly too... So thats a small pinch of the climate here... Nice huh???? haha..
Friends here have been more than what I expected... Seriously, I expected less.... Truthfully there people often times blown my expectations to smithereens... We all are too accustomed of listening to the saying, " Do not judge a book by its cover " but the reality is, its harder than it sounds... The first day is synonym to first impression... The students here give me less than a good impression so I can't help but think lowly of them... True enough, some of them are hooligans but definitely not all of them... Thank God, all my friends are good folks with clear view on what they have to do to achieve their goals...
To sum it all up, my new life here is better than the one I had in my mind... Nevertheless, there are some difficulties along the way... Thats life.. Nothing is simple, nothing is easy... But with a clear mind and a determination of steel nothing is impossible and though its cliche' to say so, I truly believe in it... Lastly, we all should pray to God Almighty for His blessing and grace to ensure our peace in life...
~ Ask, and You Shall Receive ~
So, here I am in UiTM Puncak Alam campus... Here i'm taking the Foundation in Science course... Without me noticing it, it has been a full month since I first came here on 23rd May... A lot has happened... Some annoying, some wasteful but mostly fun and beneficial... The majority of students here are Malays which directly reflects the dominance of Islam... There are some Sarawakians and Sabahan which are Buddhist but are very few... Having this as a fact, you would expect someone to change... I came from a very different background from other Malays... In Ipoh, most of my friends are Chinese... Here, all my friends are Malays... Next, here even though the medium of teaching and learning is English you carry on your daily lives and communicate in Malay... Thats one thing that I don't like but have to accept... I've worked so hard to get my English to how it is today and I'm scared that spending my time here would be the cause of my English language to deteriorate... A solution to that??? Blog regularly and speak to myself in English... Crazy but I have to do it to preserve my English...
That aside, now the good part... First and foremost, the air here is clean and fresh... Little to less pollution due to the location of the campus which is around 5 km from the nearby town... Yeah, this is a relatively new area... Its definitely and most surely cooler here than in Ipoh... I can even walk under the sun to attend my class... Next, it rains a hell lot more than it does in Ipoh, which I like... haha... The wind blows more regularly too... So thats a small pinch of the climate here... Nice huh???? haha..
Friends here have been more than what I expected... Seriously, I expected less.... Truthfully there people often times blown my expectations to smithereens... We all are too accustomed of listening to the saying, " Do not judge a book by its cover " but the reality is, its harder than it sounds... The first day is synonym to first impression... The students here give me less than a good impression so I can't help but think lowly of them... True enough, some of them are hooligans but definitely not all of them... Thank God, all my friends are good folks with clear view on what they have to do to achieve their goals...
To sum it all up, my new life here is better than the one I had in my mind... Nevertheless, there are some difficulties along the way... Thats life.. Nothing is simple, nothing is easy... But with a clear mind and a determination of steel nothing is impossible and though its cliche' to say so, I truly believe in it... Lastly, we all should pray to God Almighty for His blessing and grace to ensure our peace in life...
~ Ask, and You Shall Receive ~
Monday, May 31, 2010
Today is my first day to attend classes in UiTM... This is my new life... A new chapter of my life... Turn out the starting of the chapter is a tough one...
Part 1
This morning I had to leave room early just to have a peak on my schedule... I was suppose to get it last Thursday but I went back to Ipoh too early so can't... So there I was, on the way to the building which is few kilometers away by walking... So I thought it might be faster to take the 'Batu Caves' stairs... So I was right... When I got to the building I was really shocked... So much ( many ) people... But I had to do what I had to do... Rushed into the sea of people t have a glimpse of the paper... It was so hot that my shirt was practically soaked... So one part was over which is to see which class I belong to... Next, the schedule... Even worse... But somehow I manage to persuade myself to just line up like everybody else... three quarter away, I noticed something weird... At the paper it wrote 'Fakulti Asasi Kejuruteraan'... What!!!!!!!! I seriously thought I've wasted my time there... So I went out of the crowd and give my friend a call... And not surprising, he said the line i was in was the right one... Only thing the wrote it differently... I was like what???!!!!! ugh... But luckily, God helped me and show me a path... Literally a path... lol... So I dashed and got in front of other people... So happy... But not for long... Still people were shuving real hard... No matter, I was there already... So I took
down the schedule for the first day... Thank God my first class starts a bit late... Without delay I went out of that 'Hell on Earth' in one piece, soaked... After everyone had entered their respective class I went back to jot down the schedule for the whole week... DONE!!! Yay...
Part 2
Class time... My first time going for a lecture... Kinda excited... But when I entered the hall, it was so hot... The air conditioning system was not functioning... What???!!! Luckily it was 9.30 in the morning so it wasn't very hot... To my liking, the lecturer gave us an early leave since it was the first time class... Yay... Next, I need to find my tutorial room... This was really hard... ok now, imagine... I climb a flight of stairs... Three-storeys high just to be disappointed that it was not there... So I went down, by the stairs also... Met my friends and had our early lunch... It got really frustrating when they say the room is there only thing it's on the fifth floor... sigh... Fortunately, a new friend was suppose to go there too so we agreed we would go together... So there I was in the tutorial room... Again the air conditioning system was not working... I mean, what is wrong with this place???!!! It's new so why is everything not functioning... sigh... That aside... The tutor didn't came... Sad, so I just left the room and went to the library since the next lecture was hours away... Had to climb stairs again.... I could go on further but I think I should stop and summaries today's activity...
wake up > bathe > struggling to get my class and schedule > enter lecture > having a hard time finding my tutorial class > early lunch > tutorial class > library > hot lecture hall > climb 200 plus stairs > went back to my room > sleep > wake up > pray > blog... lol
~ chow ~
Part 1
This morning I had to leave room early just to have a peak on my schedule... I was suppose to get it last Thursday but I went back to Ipoh too early so can't... So there I was, on the way to the building which is few kilometers away by walking... So I thought it might be faster to take the 'Batu Caves' stairs... So I was right... When I got to the building I was really shocked... So much ( many ) people... But I had to do what I had to do... Rushed into the sea of people t have a glimpse of the paper... It was so hot that my shirt was practically soaked... So one part was over which is to see which class I belong to... Next, the schedule... Even worse... But somehow I manage to persuade myself to just line up like everybody else... three quarter away, I noticed something weird... At the paper it wrote 'Fakulti Asasi Kejuruteraan'... What!!!!!!!! I seriously thought I've wasted my time there... So I went out of the crowd and give my friend a call... And not surprising, he said the line i was in was the right one... Only thing the wrote it differently... I was like what???!!!!! ugh... But luckily, God helped me and show me a path... Literally a path... lol... So I dashed and got in front of other people... So happy... But not for long... Still people were shuving real hard... No matter, I was there already... So I took
down the schedule for the first day... Thank God my first class starts a bit late... Without delay I went out of that 'Hell on Earth' in one piece, soaked... After everyone had entered their respective class I went back to jot down the schedule for the whole week... DONE!!! Yay...
Part 2
Class time... My first time going for a lecture... Kinda excited... But when I entered the hall, it was so hot... The air conditioning system was not functioning... What???!!! Luckily it was 9.30 in the morning so it wasn't very hot... To my liking, the lecturer gave us an early leave since it was the first time class... Yay... Next, I need to find my tutorial room... This was really hard... ok now, imagine... I climb a flight of stairs... Three-storeys high just to be disappointed that it was not there... So I went down, by the stairs also... Met my friends and had our early lunch... It got really frustrating when they say the room is there only thing it's on the fifth floor... sigh... Fortunately, a new friend was suppose to go there too so we agreed we would go together... So there I was in the tutorial room... Again the air conditioning system was not working... I mean, what is wrong with this place???!!! It's new so why is everything not functioning... sigh... That aside... The tutor didn't came... Sad, so I just left the room and went to the library since the next lecture was hours away... Had to climb stairs again.... I could go on further but I think I should stop and summaries today's activity...
wake up > bathe > struggling to get my class and schedule > enter lecture > having a hard time finding my tutorial class > early lunch > tutorial class > library > hot lecture hall > climb 200 plus stairs > went back to my room > sleep > wake up > pray > blog... lol
~ chow ~
Monday, May 17, 2010
Specs.... hmmm...
Update time... haha... Last week I went to the clinic to have a medical check up... No, I won't be revealing any info but one... My left eye vision is quite bad... The doctor told me I probably need SPECS!!!!!! I know my left eye is not as it used to be but i'm a bit sceptical about wearing a specs... Never in my mind that I thought I need a specs to aid me in my daily life... So i took the doctor's advice and went to the optician t have my eye checked... True enough my left eye is damage but not to the point I need to wear a spec... Thank God... haha... Turn out its astigmatism... Flash or silau for those who don't know what that means... He told me that I might have difficulties in class when looking at the white board, but i'm ready to take the risk... I know once you wear specs, your eye won't get better... Seeing I'm determined in deterring the dreaded specs, he gave me some advice that I ought share with everyone... Here goes...
2 ) DO NOT read in the dark...
Nothing much but I think if you keep hold to these practices you can guarantee a healthy eye for years to come... Just keep in mind that now we can see and appreciate the wealth of sight and beauty of God's grand creation, the world... Once we loose this privilege, we won't be enjoying all this... Remember, no use crying over spoiled milk...
1 ) When watching tv, studying or using the pc DO NOT lay down on the lazy chair... Instead, sit... Sitting promotes better blood circulation to the eye...
Nothing much but I think if you keep hold to these practices you can guarantee a healthy eye for years to come... Just keep in mind that now we can see and appreciate the wealth of sight and beauty of God's grand creation, the world... Once we loose this privilege, we won't be enjoying all this... Remember, no use crying over spoiled milk...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Been a while since I last updated my blog... Last time I put up a voting poll on what I should write about and the result was resounding... FOOD!!!! haha...
Ok... How many of you live to eat?? Yeah, me too... haha... But eat to live??? Not much huh?? I'll start by stating some facts about food that we should eat on daily basis... Ok, in Malaysia we have rice as our staple food... Fair enough, but be reminded that rice is a carbohydrate and it can be fattening if taken excessively... A doctor once advised my mum to only take a scoop of rice... Its actually enough to support you till lunch or dinner... We Malaysians are so used to eating rice that we just have to have alot of them but its not really necessary...
Protein!!! Girls best food companion?? Beats me... lol... Anyhow, protein is needed for growth and repair purposes.. So if you got a cut or want to grow bigger just pack some hard boiled egg in your lunchbox and you're on your way... haha... A professor told my teacher that we should start the day by having an egg just to kick-start our day... An egg is all you need to survive the energy demanding period before lunch time...
Ok, I could continue with other food classes but I think thats not what you people would want... Am I right?? So, I'll move on...
Ever wonder what our international dish is?? The Singaporeans have Chicken Rice... Thailands have their Tom Yum Goong... Indonesians have Nasi Padang... What about us??? Well, to me I think its extremely hard to make up your mind and pinpoint which one deserve the reputation... I mean come on... So (much) good food... How can you decide?? haha... Thats a rhetorical question by the way... So I thought of using the voting poll one again to clarify this issue... Hope you guys can lighten your fingers and press that left click and VOTE!!! haha... I just love the voting poll... haha
But what are the nomination you might ask... Well, I think since Malaysians are consist of different race and thus have our own food I decided to take one food from the 3 main races such as :
Ok... How many of you live to eat?? Yeah, me too... haha... But eat to live??? Not much huh?? I'll start by stating some facts about food that we should eat on daily basis... Ok, in Malaysia we have rice as our staple food... Fair enough, but be reminded that rice is a carbohydrate and it can be fattening if taken excessively... A doctor once advised my mum to only take a scoop of rice... Its actually enough to support you till lunch or dinner... We Malaysians are so used to eating rice that we just have to have alot of them but its not really necessary...
Protein!!! Girls best food companion?? Beats me... lol... Anyhow, protein is needed for growth and repair purposes.. So if you got a cut or want to grow bigger just pack some hard boiled egg in your lunchbox and you're on your way... haha... A professor told my teacher that we should start the day by having an egg just to kick-start our day... An egg is all you need to survive the energy demanding period before lunch time...
Ok, I could continue with other food classes but I think thats not what you people would want... Am I right?? So, I'll move on...
Ever wonder what our international dish is?? The Singaporeans have Chicken Rice... Thailands have their Tom Yum Goong... Indonesians have Nasi Padang... What about us??? Well, to me I think its extremely hard to make up your mind and pinpoint which one deserve the reputation... I mean come on... So (much) good food... How can you decide?? haha... Thats a rhetorical question by the way... So I thought of using the voting poll one again to clarify this issue... Hope you guys can lighten your fingers and press that left click and VOTE!!! haha... I just love the voting poll... haha
But what are the nomination you might ask... Well, I think since Malaysians are consist of different race and thus have our own food I decided to take one food from the 3 main races such as :
The finger-licking-good nasi lemak...
The simple yet tasty roti canai...
The ever so popular Char Kuey Teow...
So what are you waiting for??? Head to the same corner and start voting... haha
~ I'm hungry... FOOD!!! ~
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Mother Earth...
I'm taking it slow this time and actually talks about Mother Earth... The Earth has been the natural habitat of countless species of flora and fauna be it extinct of striving for eons... Lush greenery, seas that are as wide as the eye can see and limitless blue skies... Then came the humans... They ravaged the Earth under short period of existence... Compared to the Goliaths of Cretaceous, men have far outweigh the giants in global destruction... How many species of animals and plants are going to be sacrificed?? Is it worth it???
The Amazon is decreasing in size as we speak... Every day, hundreds of acres of forest are being cleared and people post vociferous complaints of how hot the Earth is becoming... No need to go that far actually... The patch of land behind my house has been cleared and the effect is immediate... Dust seems to be filling the air and the radiating heat is ever so increasing.... And for what??? For what you people clear that land??? Nothing is being done to it... Wasteful... Now think... If that small patch of land brings about this kind of effect, what will it like for the whole world where the trees are no longer to be found... No more shading spot where you can just sit and drift in the calmness of the world... I love the nature... Most people won't notice this side of me but I get really agitated when I see someone destroying the nature... And that goes to littering too... If you think it's cool to do that, touche' for you... Live in your own world...
People always lose sight of what really matters... We invest business for future well being... But money is not forever... Nor it is everything... I know its cliche' to say this but I want to feel the fresh morning air, the cold breeze and just fall asleep with a clear sky and trees as the roof... I want to experience this feeling in the future... We seems to forget the beauty of nature... God created this world and its a masterpiece.... The best of the best... Men consider themselves a great artist... Magnificent sculpture... Oh we are so wrong... Evidence is all around... Look at what we have done...
This blog is not well known yet and so the readers aren't abundant... But with this small group we can start to change... Break the link with the our destructive side... Lets turn over a new leaf...
~peace to the world~
People always lose sight of what really matters... We invest business for future well being... But money is not forever... Nor it is everything... I know its cliche' to say this but I want to feel the fresh morning air, the cold breeze and just fall asleep with a clear sky and trees as the roof... I want to experience this feeling in the future... We seems to forget the beauty of nature... God created this world and its a masterpiece.... The best of the best... Men consider themselves a great artist... Magnificent sculpture... Oh we are so wrong... Evidence is all around... Look at what we have done...
This blog is not well known yet and so the readers aren't abundant... But with this small group we can start to change... Break the link with the our destructive side... Lets turn over a new leaf...
~peace to the world~
Friday, April 16, 2010
Where to next?? What next???
After you left school, you will ask yourself a question... A question everyone will ask themselves... Where to next??? What next??? Well, for me the matriculation results just came out and I got accepted to Kolej Mara Kulim... I know, very far... So, I like any curious student tried to check on this college's website and you know what??? The page is down for maintainance... Great timing huh??? Sigh... Well, I was kinda disappointed that I didn't get my first choice which is the Penang branch but hey, you can't and won't get everything you wished for... So this is the only perspective that's keeping away the pessimistic me from revealing... All in all, I already come into term with this ordeal and set my mind... If i got accepted into UM then I'll go there... If not, then I'll be staying in Kulim for a year or so... haha... Sucks, but thats life..
So, what next??? I guess for me its study, study and study with little entertainment of course... No help needed for that since I'm going to a place deprived of fun and relaxation... Good bye world... haha... That was a joke by the way.... Now I'm starting to crap since its already 2.40 a.m. guess I better hit the bed and get some shut eye... Another updates post will there be tomorrow... Wait for it, or not... ~Yawn~
Currently I'm out of ideas on what to write and I don't want this blog page to die... SO,I've put up a voting poll( top right corner) and hoping that u people can suggest what to write... Thx... :)
So, what next??? I guess for me its study, study and study with little entertainment of course... No help needed for that since I'm going to a place deprived of fun and relaxation... Good bye world... haha... That was a joke by the way.... Now I'm starting to crap since its already 2.40 a.m. guess I better hit the bed and get some shut eye... Another updates post will there be tomorrow... Wait for it, or not... ~Yawn~
Currently I'm out of ideas on what to write and I don't want this blog page to die... SO,I've put up a voting poll( top right corner) and hoping that u people can suggest what to write... Thx... :)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tribute to A Great Friendship....
Ok... Reminiscing time... haha.... I just had a short chat with a good friend.... Its been so long since I last chat with him... All that chatting had made me rethink of the times I used to spent with him back then in the schooling days... Come to think of it, it was thanks to our teacher that we came to know each other... Thanks to Pn. Bhajan that arranged our seating ( not usual in Anderson ) ... So onto to updates... He's going to Olympia College to pursue his future in hotel management... Though he's been bragging about opening his own cafe' one day, i guess this is one of the possible routes that he can take to achieve that goal... Anyways, best of luck dude... Always have high dreams and you will achieve what you hoped for and more... So the short chat session ended there...
WAIT!!!! Don't close this page yet... hehe... Not done yet... Ok, after that I've came to thought the purpose of blogging... And the answer was totally unexpected... I thought that since blog is a writing that portrays your personalities, identity and style, the style friends and families are familiar with it would somehow reconnects the memories ( relations ) even though we are not seeing each other anymore... It somehow will give you the feeling that " Ok, this is the Hakimi I know, this is definitely him "... Something like that.... And I was like, yeah.... haha... In a shot, all those updates will assure all your assumptions about how they are and stuff without the need to ask...
Man, talking to you really makes me sad thinking about the last ( best ) two years of school... I hate you man... But this is the kind of friendship that we have... Friendship tied without plan... It just happened... Lee Kar Fai... Keep your head up, aim high, respect and be respected and you will succeed....
special tribute to a friend...
WAIT!!!! Don't close this page yet... hehe... Not done yet... Ok, after that I've came to thought the purpose of blogging... And the answer was totally unexpected... I thought that since blog is a writing that portrays your personalities, identity and style, the style friends and families are familiar with it would somehow reconnects the memories ( relations ) even though we are not seeing each other anymore... It somehow will give you the feeling that " Ok, this is the Hakimi I know, this is definitely him "... Something like that.... And I was like, yeah.... haha... In a shot, all those updates will assure all your assumptions about how they are and stuff without the need to ask...
Man, talking to you really makes me sad thinking about the last ( best ) two years of school... I hate you man... But this is the kind of friendship that we have... Friendship tied without plan... It just happened... Lee Kar Fai... Keep your head up, aim high, respect and be respected and you will succeed....
special tribute to a friend...
Friday, April 9, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
HAHA.... Great day it was today... This afternoon I went to school in pursuit of my certificates and also the highly anticipated-hard cover-special-school magazine... haha... Sadly the teacher in charge of handling the magazines were in class teaching so forget that... So I straight away go on a search to find all the teachers to collect the remaining certificates... Sadly, most of them are still in class.... What??!!! haha... You might be asking what's so great about that and probably leaving this page since its a seemingly boring post, so my answer is : stick around and read more.... haha..
So after all that frustration I went to jusco to meet up with old friends... So good so finally gather round and just chat... Been two years since we did that... Anyway, since we're in jusco we went ahead and watch a movie... The original plan was to watch ' Clash of the Titans ' but unfortunately it was a full house... Sad... So we watched this great animation movie called ' How to Train Your Dragon '... Awesome movie.... No, i won't be spilling any storyline just so that I won't have that 'spoiler' sign on my head.... haha... But I will be posting few pictures from the net just to notify some blur people that there is such movie showing currently ( trust me, there are such people )...
So now some info about this movie... It is actually a novel adaptation movie and the book is authored by Cressida Cowell.... The main character is dubbed by Jay Baruchel and the so called heroine is by America Ferrera... Stoick ( Hiccup's father ) is by the ever popular Gerard Butler... This movie is directed by Christoper Sander and the co-director is Dean leBlois...
So what is the final verdict??? In my opinion the popular casts shortage does not and should not affect a movie like this since we don't even see their faces... Based on story line and the graphic I'll say it should score a promising 8/10... Sadly no two thumbs up since there won't be a second timer for me... Still, a good movie and I suggest everyone to go and watch this movie...
Wow, first movie review by yours truly... haha... Got a feeling I'll be doing this again in the near future... haha... Been an entertaining day, and now I just wanna sit back and watch tv... Till next post...
So now some info about this movie... It is actually a novel adaptation movie and the book is authored by Cressida Cowell.... The main character is dubbed by Jay Baruchel and the so called heroine is by America Ferrera... Stoick ( Hiccup's father ) is by the ever popular Gerard Butler... This movie is directed by Christoper Sander and the co-director is Dean leBlois...
So what is the final verdict??? In my opinion the popular casts shortage does not and should not affect a movie like this since we don't even see their faces... Based on story line and the graphic I'll say it should score a promising 8/10... Sadly no two thumbs up since there won't be a second timer for me... Still, a good movie and I suggest everyone to go and watch this movie...
Wow, first movie review by yours truly... haha... Got a feeling I'll be doing this again in the near future... haha... Been an entertaining day, and now I just wanna sit back and watch tv... Till next post...
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