Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day and day and day...

Everyday at the crack of dawn
when everyone still deeply asleep
on the ever so comfy bed
spoiled by distant soft, hopeful hands
coolness personified by the thick mist
blanketing the mountains
morning tears start to drop 
pairs of couple bird chirps
signalling the start of a fine day

Morning like this
makes you think
of what matters and what not
the future and the past
the beginning and the end
of everything that existed

Morning like this
make us think

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Childhood Memories...

I'm sure that many of us lived an excellent childhood... If not we won't be this cheerful... Smiles won't be as glittering... Attitude won't be as sunny... We won't be boring... In short your childhood really defines what you are now... Something to remember when we have our own kids later on in life...

But what, really makes an ideal childhood for anyone? Well, in general I think that love from your kin, memories with closest friends and something that we can cling onto, something to remember to bring ourselves back from the ash when we fall... Something to make us cry just by remembering that blissful memories... For me since I was born in the years of when great animation movies had just started its legacy, movies really impact my life... On particular the Toys Story franchise which just launched its last movie few months back... Look, it came out when I was 3 and ended ( I hope so )  when I'm 18... There you go, basically my whole childhood... I grew up knowing these characters; Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Bullseye, Mr and Mrs Potato Head, Slinky Dog and my personal favourite Etch the Etch-A-Sketch magic screen... Really, I could go on with the characters but its unnecessary because all of you know it too... 

I don't really know why I like this movie so much but I guess you don't need to have answers for everything... If you like it, you like it... If you don't you don't... Simple... 

The first movie though the one responsible for hooking me to this movie nonetheless is not my favourite one... The last one is as I believe others' favourite as well... Really, if you haven't watch it yet go and watch it now... And if you've watched it, watch it again... haha... It's that good and add up with the genius of Randy Newman composing the catchiest song in any Pixar movies, "You've Got a Friend in Me"... Really one of the best music I've heard in my whole life... Just lifts you out of your daily dilemmas... Talking about the overall plot, it really is not hard to understand thanks to epic story telling... Just by sitting there and not have to think much you can basically plunge into the movie itself because its so easy to understand...

Now, the last movie... Its the best as I said just now, being the highest grossing movie for 2010 globally... Just goes to add how good this movie is... This last movie really marks the end of the movie with Andy going to college and have to give up being kid ( not play with toys anymore ) which he didn't do for quite some time... Nevertheless, through all that neglect the toys still look at Andy as their rightful owner... Bla bla bla... Other than that, go watch yourself... But the last part probably the best and the saddest part of the movie... The part where Andy went to Bonnie's house to give away his toys... Add up with sad music, it just makes your eyes water and maybe cry...  All that tension and it ends up just like that... Simplicity really is the best policy... 

To sum it up, this is an EPIC movie... I think I'm gonna watch it again... Need to buy the Bluray version... haha... 

So there you go... Part of my childhood... Sure we may have different things in mind when childhood come in thought... Whatever it may be, if its something that is dear to you I believe we should hold on to it no matter what other people might say... After all, a perspective is as strong as the believers wants it... 

till next time... cherish your childhood...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Unusual day...

Today has been an unusual day for me... First, I start the morning, chocked by the thick mist shrouding the college area... Really is something different because it has never been this thick... So thick that I mistook it as fog... Don't believe me?? Take a look yourself... Now you believe it? haha
Almost looks like Genting Highlands... haha... Feels like it too... With the drizzling rain gently patting our back... ~~NICE~~

Too bad it doesn't last long... Few hours and its gone... Sad... Then, everything went downhill... I felt tired so fast, by 12 I was beaten... By 4 I was barely awake in the lecture hall... I just don't know whats currently going on with my body... Maybe my biological clock is setting itself back after constant sleep-at-4 o'clock during the sem break... Hmmm... Hopefully it sets back fast because I don't have the luxury of sleeping during lecture every 20 minutes anymore... 

Then, today I skipped lunch because I had morning tea... So, I went ahead and finish my math tutorial which is due to next week... Unusual... haha... I never finish my tutorials during the weekdays and I mean NEVER!!!! haha... Maybe because in my mind I would like to turn over a new leaf and it seems to be working fine with me... Maybe you guys should consider this option once in awhile... Refresh... If things stay the same all the time, It would be bring and we will feel, well, bored... So, keep things fresh... Change... haha

Lastly, I overindulge myself on tonight's dinner... The thing is, I don't eat much when I'm studying... You know, to avoid feeling drowsy... But tonight seems different... So, melantak la... haha... Friends, only bad things come from gluttony... Nothing good can be extracted from it... You waste money, and in my case I feel bloated for hours... During the Maghrib prayer, I was having difficulty breathing right because I was holding myself from expelling the things I ingested... haha... 

Miraculously, I'm still awake... Just finish my chemistry tutorial (almost)... hehe... Thats 2 tutorials done in one day!!! CEKAP!! haha... Such an unusual day... Totally... 
Ok then, nothing more to write... 
